PD. Dr.-Ing. Ilia Roisman s Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, TU Darmstadt će u sklopu svog istraživačkog posjeta dana 16.11. (srijeda) s početkom u 09:00 h održati na Metalurškom fakultetu predavanje pod naslovom “Physics of drops: atomization, dynamics and phase change phenomena”. U posjeti će mu se pridružiti i PhD studentica Marija Gajević Joksimović. U nastavku donosimo životopise cijenjenih posjetioca te kratki sažetak predavanja. Lokacija predavanja bit će objavljena naknadno.
Physics of drops: atomization, dynamics and phase change phenomena
We will present the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics’s current activities in the field of drop physics. One of the main topics is drop impact dynamics on a solid substrate or wetted wall. The impact usually causes drop deposition or splash, which is followed by the formation of secondary drops. Depending on the initial temperature of the wall, the impact is accompanied by nucleate or even film boiling in the case of a very hot substrate. If the temperature of the substrate and the drop are both below the melting point (supercooled liquid drop), the impact causes a cloud of dendrites to expand and freeze. Finally, the models for a single drop impact are used for the development of the models for spray impact and spray cooling.

Ovaj posjet realizira se u sklopu projekta Razvoj sustava za ispitivanje višefaznih strujanja i izgaranja s ciljem povećanja istraživačkih aktivnosti znanstvenog i poslovnog sektora, KK., sufinanciranog od strane Europske unije, sredstvima Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj, Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020.